About us

Westminster House Robina is an independent living accommodation provider for aged and disability pensioners. We are a small family-owned company that strives to offer a safe community and homely environment for people from all walks of life. We understand that people, no matter their mental or physical health, are highly complex beings with complicated needs. As such, our business model is directly modeled after Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Westminster House Robina is partnered with an onsite NDIS service provider company: Phoenix 360 Degree Service, to make access to good reliable service extra convenient and with the people you trust. Together, the Westminster-Phoenix partnership works to ensure that all of a person’s needs can be met so that they can live fulfilling lives - no matter their limitations.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology which provides that a person’s physiological needs must be met before they can meet their creative and self-actualizing needs.

This is where the Westminster-Phoenix model can achieve success where other companies cannot. Westminster House Robina and Phoenix 360 Degree Service work in tandem to provide an individual with the bottom four needs on the hierarchy: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Love and belonging, and Esteem. Westminster House, as a residential accommodation provider inherently meets the physiological and safety needs of our residents; we provide safe shelter and good nutritious food. The culture and community we seek to build at Westminster House Robina help to instill a sense of love and belonging within our residents, to nurture a sense of connection, and in turn, build up our residents’ self-esteem and ability to respect others. With the additional help of supports from Phoenix, we aim to fully cover the four pillars of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs so that our residents can reach self-actualization, find purpose in their lives, and achieve their personal goals.

As good as all this theory sounds, does it actually work?

The answer is a resounding YES!!! Currently, we have over 40 residents with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities who proudly call Westminster House Robina home. Many of our residents had spent years in and out of hospitals and are now settled into our community. We encourage and support our tenants to find their passions and purposes in life, whether it be musical or artistic hobbies, supporting them to get back into the workforce or even just to live a quiet peaceful life.

If any of the above resonates with you or with your loved one, please do not hesitate to get in touch now.